City celebrations in Helsinki

During the City Days in Helsinki people have revived ancient tradition of the European cities – tradition of the daily hour melody on a city main square. To one of the main initiators of the project became the ober-burgomaster of the Finnish capital Eva-Riitta Siitonen.

According to the author of the melody –  organist of  Helsinki Cathedral Harri Viitanena, in the composition which henceforth urged to become a voice of a historical Senatskaya Square in Helsinki, has incorporated sounds of grand piano, body, striking of a clock and a glass ring.

Despite the historical background of the event, melody was created by means of the newest computer equipment. Melody sounding on the area will be provided also with the newest technical devices established in buildings, surrounding the area.
“The melody should become a single unit with the architectural ensemble of the area created by well-known architect Charles Ludwig Engelem”, – the composer says.

The Senat Square in Helsinki is surrounded with a Cathedral towering from four parts over all area thanks to a multistage ladder, the building of the State council, official residence of the mayor and the building of  Helsinki university. One of the most beautiful in the world, the Senat Square, as well as the city in its modern kind, was erected according to plan of Charles Ludwig Engelja (1778-1840), the German architect from Berlin living in Finland. In the area center the monument to the Russian emperor Alexander II who once contributed much to the preservation and development of culture in Finland. According to the plan of the composer, the melody will pass from one building to another, but it will be heard the best in the area center – at the monument of Russian emperor Alexander II. The first sounds of the melody will be distributed every evening at 17.49, duration of it being a composition of 5 minutes to 18 seconds.

Time is calculated in a way that the melody isn’t imposed on the ring of hours on the main Lutheran Cathedral and on the oldest in Helsinki orthodox church of the Sacred Trinity located nearby to this area. The Day of the city (Helsinki) is celebrated since 1959 in memory of the foundation of the city that was made on June, 12th, 1550 by the Swedish king Gustav Vazoj.
Celebrating is traditionally accompanied by concerts, festivals, historical exhibitions, excursions and other celebrations.
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